ad-min – Organization and Accounting
What we offer
ad-min (from the Latin ad minimum, to the minimum) is for us a stream-lined, well-functioning administration.
With this in mind we provide book-keeping, accounting and payroll services, and (corporate) advice: as efficiently as possible.
Because a stream-lined solution is also the most low-cost one– and provides the most satisfaction.
We continuously maintain a dialogue with our customers,intercommunication is a key element in our business.
We will happily negotiate a flat rate agreement with you!
Our Services
Accounting for € 0.60/booking line | € 45,–/ hour
Book-keeping € 70,–/hour
Payroll € 16,– per employee and month, including joint audit of all salary-related details (GPLA)
Consulting (accounting, organization, tax laws) € 70,–/hour
Ing. Mag. Jakob Pirker
Kreuzgasse 87–89/1/3
1180 Wien
Phone: +43-1-478 13 51
Fax: +43-1-478 13 51
Mobile: +43-676-334 57 77
Please send us an email
„I am in the complex situation of having different incomes in up to four countries. Mr. Pirker and his colleague Dr. Glotz helped me very efficiently in matters of tax and social security as well as in book-keeping and capital income.“